What Level of Volume can Start to Affect your Hearing?

Listening to your Ipod at full volume is literally the equivalent to taking a chainsaw to your eardrum.  Most people can listen to their Ipods safely at about 70% volume for up to 4.6hrs, however, if you like listening to it a bit louder then  80% you can listen to it for only 1.3hrs (70dBs or less is perfect for listening to). Between 7 and 24% of people listen to their Ipods too loud. Research shows, that up to a quarter of Ipod users have listening habits that can cause hearing damage.  An ipod can reach a level of up to 115dBs and if listening to your ipod over 85dBs (decibles) hearing loss can occur. 

60%-70dBs for 24hrs is as noisy as an office or noisy restaurant.

70%-80dBs for 12hrs is as noisy as a hairdryer.

80%-90dBs for 2hrs is as noisy as an underground train.

90%-100dBs for 1hr is as noisy as a pneumatic drill.

100%-115dBs for 15mins is as noisy as a chainsaw or a Rock Concert.