What Aged Person is most likely to be Affected by Ipods Volume?

Teenagers play their music louder than young adults and teenage boys generally listen to their Ipods at a higher volume than teenage girls even though they are aware of the risk. Asking a teenager to 'turn down' their Ipod can often have the opposite affect. They can also inaccurately perceive how loud they are playing their music on their Ipod. Teenage boys and girls listen to their ipods at levels of 110 to 120dBs. The "Is Australia LIstening?" report (2008) found 70% of 18 to 24 year olds and 72% of 25 to 34 year olds had suffered from ringing in their ears or Tinnitus.  People over the age of 50 are also more likely  to get hearing loss as your ears get more sensitive as you get older.